PC Simplest offers many varieties of technology support. Our main purpose of this website is to provide you with Video tutorials that will include a step by step text written document to go a long with the video so that you can follow a long no matter where you are or what you are doing.
We will provide hands-on video that will show you exactly what you need to do to solve some of the most si
mplest to the most difficult tips/tricks and problems you may have with your computer.
All videos will show exactly what I am seeing on my screen as well as commentary by me so that you can also listen and follow along. Not to mention we will also include text documentation with pictures so that you are able to print it out from your computer and follow along that way as well.
Below you will find a list of technology that we support and plan to offer tutorials and videos on.
Microsoft Windows – 8, 7, Vista, and XP
Microsoft Office – 2013, 2010, 2007
Necessary PC Software – Adobe Reader, Java, Flash Player
Android devices
iOS devices – iPhone, iPad