PC Simplest was created to provide a simple approach to some of your everyday computer issues or questions. We strive to provide easy to follow videos and tutorials that you will have no problems trying to understand.
About Zach
I have over 15 years of experience working with computers with roughly six years spent working in school districts in their I.T. Departments. Currently I am employed full time for a hospital in their Information Systems department. With that being said I have dealt with everyday computer users to those who rarely touch computers so I’ve seen the struggles that everyone goes through on a daily basis. I created this website and YouTube channel to provide help for those who need a quick answer or solution to their problems. One of the greatest joys in my life aside from my daughter is helping people. I love to help in any way that I can and I’m very lucky to be able to provide computer help for people who are in need.
If you ever have an issue or a question please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help the best that I can.