Let’s talk about the CompTIA A+ cert today. The year is 2018, the most requested certification is the A+ from CompTIA In this video I go over one of the best eLearning websites that will train and prepare you to go out and pass the A+ exam. To give you an idea on why this cert is so important…there are currently over 6,500 jobs in the information technology field RIGHT NOW that require the A+ certification for employment. Don’t wait too long, check out Skillsoft for their training material!
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Author: admin
Interview with Malwarebytes at InfoSec World 2018
In this video I interviewed Dana and Wendy from https://www.malwarebytes.com and discussed how they got into the field of security.
Top 2 Tips when Starting a Job in IT
Top 2 Job tips when starting a job in Information Technology.
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Top 3 Entry Level I.T. Certifications
Let’s talk about the top 3 I.T. Entry level certifications. Everything from CompTIA, to Cisco, To Microsoft certifications are talked about in this video.
[easyazon_image height=”160″ identifier=”125958951X” locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Vogw4seHL._SL160_.jpg” tag=”itcq-20″ width=”122″] [easyazon_image height=”160″ identifier=”126001181X” locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/515Z0goTp7L._SL160_.jpg” tag=”itcq-20″ width=”129″] [easyazon_image height=”160″ identifier=”0071848223″ locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51hDFGD3DBL._SL160_.jpg” tag=”itcq-20″ width=”123″] Continue reading “Top 3 Entry Level I.T. Certifications”
Security+ with Skillsoft – Review
Reviewing the Security+ with Skillsoft. Check out Skillsoft.com
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FlexiSpot Sit Stand Desks
[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”125″ identifier=”B01HPE05BM” locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41BGiX39KlL.jpg” tag=”itcq-20″ width=”200″]
I have been a big fan of sit stand desks for a few years now and I have used a couple different brands of them. FlexiSpot reached out to me about a year ago the first time asking me if I would like to review their 35″ standup desk and I was of course all for this. I was already using an Ergotron sit stand desk at work, I definitely wanted to have a stand-up desk for at home. The rest of this article will give my thoughts on the Flexispot sit stand desk.
Razer DeathAdder Mouse Review
To get straight to the point today we are talking about the Death Adder mouse from Razer. If you are unfamiliar with Razer they are a widely known company in the PC gaming industry. They make in my opinion some of the best components for computers that you can buy, ranging from mice, keyboards, headsets, mouepads and most recently branching off to their own line of computers.

Continue reading “Razer DeathAdder Mouse Review”
Airwolf3D AXIOMe Review – 3D Printer
3D Printing seems to be a pretty big rage these days. They are almost becoming a household name and affordable enough to bring into your home without breaking your wallet too much. This week I am going to review the AXIOMe 3D Printer from Airwolf3D.
What is the A+ Certification?
Let’s talk about one of the best certifications that you can get when you are first looking to get into I.T. If you are considering a career in information technology it is highly suggested that you get your A+ Certification via CompTIA. Check out the video to learn more.
[easyazon_image align=”center” cart=”y” height=”500″ identifier=”125958951X” locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Vogw4seHL.jpg” tag=”itcq-20″ width=”300″]
Continue reading “What is the A+ Certification?”
Is I.T. a Difficult Career?
So let’s talk about whether or not I.T. is a hard or difficult career. Check out this video to learn more!
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